Swift Campout Solstice 15 at Casitas June 13 2015, 0 Comments

We are getting a group together to ride up to Lake Casitas camp ground this June 20-21, next week, fathers day weekend to celebrate the solstice and the Swift Campout.  At the moment there are about ten to fifteen people going that I know of.  The plan is to meet here at Ocean Air Cycle soon to be shop in Ventura around 9;30 AM on the 20th and ride up to Lake Casitas.  There will be lots of this: 6.13 scout-1170260 and some of this: 6.13 scout-1170285 All at a family pace.  This will be the first full family bike tour that all four os us: Aly the girls 5 and 1.5 and I all get out on for an overnight.  We will defiantly not be setting any KOMs, but will be having a ton of fun and may take a bunch of breaks and stop at playgrounds and stuff.  Some folks are probably going to jam ahead, and thats cool too.  the route is a really simple mix of the Ventura River Trail and some country roads (minimal shoulder if that matters to you): If the embedded thing above does not work click HERE for the map We have reserved "Campground P" for the night.  It is a group camp that should hold at least 20 people comfortably, the park says 40, but I am not sure there is that much flat ground.  There is a water spigot and primitive toilet, no showers, but that OK 6.13 scout-11703086.13 scout-1170309We will get there, set up camp, and do camping stuff, maybe ride around the lake 6.13 scout-1170313or head up to Ojai for food and supplies.  it is a pleasant ride about another 5 or 6 miles north.  Since we will be riding with kids, we may not haul that much food to the camp.  The idea is to keep it simple and fun, this is not going to be all that hard, a couple big hills and a night outside with friends.  There will be touring veterans as well as some bike camping for the first time.  There are not a lot of rules, mostly guidelines, and just a few:
  • the idea is to get there by bike, self supported.  We reserved the campground and are loosely organizing this, but it is by no means a sponsored event with SAG wagons and catering at the camp ground.  (maybe we'll do that for another trip)
  • Plan on having the things you need to get there, spend the night and get home on your own.  Others can probably help you out of a jam, but try to be prepared.
  • You are welcome to meet us there, take a different route, or come by to hang out, but get there by bike, please.
  • The route has a mix of road and paved bike trail, there are also a few hills.  None of it is crazy, all regular local cycling routes.  That said this is not a sponsored event and do it at you own risk and all that.  (I have to keep saying that so our insurance company does not call me on Monday freaking out)
In the morning we will do camping breakfast stuff, probably play with the kids and hang out.  Then ride back to Ventura. If you know for sure that you want to come, please hit me with an email at rob@oceanaircycles.com so that we can gauge how many to expect.  Try and help me bu putting something like Solstice and Campout in the subject This whole thing is part of a bigger thing Swift Industries put together that has spread around the world, pretty cool.  You can take a minute, and register, its kind of fun and there are prizes.  They make cool things really well, like our Docena bags.  Events like this are good motivators, and Martins(Swift Owner) is good a making things like this happen - Thank you for getting this going. 16856144220_e3bfd2d4b3_z