Ocean Air Cycles

Putting In the Miles May 15 2012, 0 Comments

The fun part of this venture is being my own test pilot.  That means I "Have to" put in the miles every day, no excuses.  Time lines are tight, and I need to push the bike in some aspect every day. It is a tough job, but somebody has to do it.  I believe there is an added element to products that are tested by their designers, a level of commitment, that they demand firsthand feedback.  I will be getting plenty of outside feedback as well, but there is something inherently good about being willing to push your own designs.  There are plenty of products out there including bikes that have never actually been used by the guys selling them.  Here at Ocean Air, I will be testing everything we produce under our own label. If you were wondering, today's test was light load and softish fat tires to see if I could induce shimmy.  I was ale to get it to oscillate a few times, but it would settle right back down on its own, and that is a good thing. Also of note, it has been scientifically proven that red shirts will not only help you go faster, but be more attractive and possibly feel stronger too.  The best part is that I still have plenty of said shirts available to satiate the incredible market demand.