Ocean Air Cycles

Low Tide January 10 2013, 0 Comments

Yesterday was starting off pretty normal, the task list was more than a day could hold, but the plan as always was to bite off as much as possible.  One thing I was not giving up was my regularly scheduled errands ride around own.  With all the short stops I can usually get it all done in the same amount of time as the car, and the bike is just a hell of a lot more fun. DCIM100GOPROThe skies went gray for the first time in few days and the fog was rolling in on the coast.  With temps in the 50's it was crisp, but still pretty perfect to ride and barely break a sweat.  Everything was going pretty close to routine, and I decided to swing by the beach  on my way home. DCIM100GOPROThe tide was super low and dropping fast.  I knew this was going to happen, but not so early in the day.  This was a perfect chance to seize the moment, do something not on the schedule and grab back 30 minutes of pure fun, and yes you can almost see the idea forming in my mind above. DCIM100GOPROAnd so the diversion started, I figured it would just be a quick toodle on the sand.  It turned out I had over a mile of beach for an out and back.  Even with 20lbs in the panniers the 38mm tires did just fine on the hard packed sand.  I found a few small pieces of green beach glass, crossed paths with dogs and their owners reveling in the extra playground space, and had a fantastic time DCIM100GOPROAs always, getting there by bike is highly recommended, and always make a little time for the detours, you will never regret it!