Ocean Air Cycles

Wednesday Standard January 04 2012, 0 Comments

An absolutely perfect day to break away from the computer and head out for some errands.  The unseasonably warm weather is still here, keeping us in shorts for a bit longer this winter.  Taking full advantage I made the rounds of the swap meet, then off to the farmer's market and a quick stop to check out the new butcher in town.  Scored a deal on a saddle, picked up some fresh veggies and the butcher shop was pretty good.  We eat well here and are lucky to have such a year round abundance of local foods.  After loading up I decided to ride some hills. The ride up was, ummm.... character building.  It fully drove home the fact that I have not been riding as much as I could and need to get out a little more often.  The ride down was more fun than up for sure.

Sunday Standard December 11 2011, 0 Comments

It has been a pretty bikey day in spite of the chilly weather. We rode as a family to breakfast the ladies all bundled up against the 40 deg temps.  Then later as it warmed up into the 50s I headed out to the farmer's market.  Pretty close to perfect, but I should have had something to keep my knees warm. I know better when it is below 60 or so, but with it being sunny I decided to push it.  The price is not too bad, but they are sore now, and kind of make me feel not so young at the moment. As part of the efforts to get more motivated with my riding, I decided to track my efforts on the phone with a GPS app.  It still surprises me when the data comes in at 14 mph averages, sitting upright in the wind at least half the trip, on a 20 mile around town loop.  Not to bad for a guy feeling out of shape at the moment riding on a fat tire bike loaded with produce.  We will see how the rest of the week goes.

Christmas Tree Ride December 04 2011, 0 Comments

This morning was the perfect day to go hunt for a tree.  The morning low was in the 30's and it actually felt like winter.  By the time we had breakfast and loaded up the bikes it was a little warmer out, but still pretty cold by California beach standards.  There seems to be an abundance of tree yards this year, and I was able to work out a fun route for a family ride, with little or no traffic.  The ride to the lot was balmy, but the hills helped keep things warm, and the views were incredible now that the last week's wind and dust had settled down. With the mission half accomplished, Aly decided that the new family ride to get a tree tradition, should include hot chocolate, and who could argue with that. From there we headed home to unload the tree. The day was staying nice, the wind never really came up the way it does in the afternoon here.  I set up the tree, switched bikes and headed back across town to run some errands and grab a load of food at the Farmer's Market. I can only imagine how nice it must have been up in the mountains today, this weather is about as good as it gets. The legs are feeling pretty spent at this point, rest and picture break is over and time to hit the kitchen.  Thanks for taking a look and I hope it was this much fun getting your tree this year. On a side note I finally am coming around to the Facebook thing, still feels a bit funny for some reason, but it is pretty easy to find my, Ocean Air Cycles page and I hope that it makes it a bit easier to follow me here if that is the way you like to keep up on and share things with your friends.  

Sunday Standard November 13 2011, 0 Comments

Back to the regularly scheduled Sunday ride to the Farmer's Market.   Yes, it really was as nice as it looks.  The weather was perfect, the ride was longer than I planned, nad that made it better.  I look back and find it hard to remember a time when it was more fun to get the food for the week.   The food tastes better when you sweat a little to get it too.  

New Sunday Standard October 09 2011, 0 Comments

Adding a twist to the regular Sunday ride we have been heading over to the playground as a family before keep on riding to the market. Then it is time for me to keep on keepin on for the next 10 miles to get the veggies.  Today was another incredible day to be outside. This area of southern California  is really is a wonderful place to ride and call home. While setting up for some pictures came across one of my pet peeves.  I will never fully understand why changing a tube is so intense that you throw the dead tube off on the side of the road.  I usually pick them up, take them home and patch them.  While a free tube is a nice bonus, they are usually 23mm tubes, and do not see much use in my stable.  have a few ideas on how to curb this kind of waste, but implementation is going to be a bit of a process.  

Fanfreakintastic Day for a Ride October 02 2011, 0 Comments

Two days in a row of sunshine!!! The fog has lifted and it is really nice out.  Perfect day to haul home a load of veggies.  

Morning Errands October 01 2011, 0 Comments

Today was not a god day to sleep in.  I rolled out of bed at 6:30 to the best morning light in two months.  By the time I was out and about the light show was over, but the day is still the most clear we have had.  I ended up taking the scenic route to run some errands. It is going to be an incredible day, lots to do, and I hope it is this nice by you!  

Sunday Standard September 25 2011, 0 Comments

I rode the Trek on the longest trip yet today.  22 Miles round trip to the farmers market.  The wind was hitting pretty good off of all four corners as I worked through the ride. While not quite as fast as I am on the Roadeo, I made quite respectable speed, still averaging between 12 and 15 mph on the open road.  The front loading, low trail geometry, sitting upright of this bike build really has me smitten.  I am really looking forward to installing the basket I have on order.  I have not had the Roadeo out in the last couple of weeks, and am feeling like I should put it to use this week, but the Trek is jus so much fun to ride.  

Sunday Standard September 04 2011, 0 Comments

Another ride to the farmer's market.  I think that almost 30% of my recent riding has been in pursuit of produce.  Weather is gloomy again on the coast, but a wonderful 60 deg temp for riding. By the time I made it 10 miles or so from home the fog was starting to thin out.  The bags were filled with fantastic fresh stuff. Now it is time to make some sauce out of all these veggies, hope you weekend is going well too!

Grocery Time Trials September 01 2011, 0 Comments

I do not race anybody but myself, ever.  I love to ride, but time gets tight every now and then.  As much fan as a casual ramble can be, sometimes the challenge of 10 miles, two grocery stops and less than an hour and a half to get it done, with stop lights, signs and morning traffic as the sauce on top is just what you need to break the funk.  Things were still a bit bleery heading up the hill into the fog as I am fighting off the tail end of a cold. Crossing town to the Trader Joe's load up on some staples, and through the parking lot to the farmer's market.  Packing the saddle bag with Juice, frozen beef and veggies untill the bag was super stuffed.  The load maxed the limits of the bagman support for sure, and I need to make some time to push ahead on a better solution.  Checking the time I realised that I had blown over 20 minutes shopping.  Time to jam towards home, through the fields. Almost home I was still just under an hour, and slowed down for a surf check.  South swell filling in, but no time to watch the sets.  I am not sure where to fit it in, but I need to get back in the water soon. I made it home in just a few minutes over an hour, and even cruised through a few rows of the swap meet on the last mile home for good measure.  Fantastic ride all things considered.  I took the load upstairs and took a minute to blend up some fruit and veggies in the vitamix. Frosting on the whole thing was answering the phone 10 minutes after I walked in the door, still a little wound up from the ride, to a phone interview that I was not expecting for anther 4 hours or so.  I feel that it went well, probably better with the endorphin push and no time to over think my answers.  Hopefully I did not come off as a coffee spaz.  This could be the dream job, and an interesting path opening up for sure,  I am looking forward to chasing this trail out to the end.