Ocean Air Cycles

Sunday Standard September 01 2013, 0 Comments

Worked in the semi regularly scheduled Farmer's market ride this Sunday.  Bonus points for being able to start the "testing" on some new kerchief material you will likely be seeing in our online store in the near future.  The weather is about as close to perfect as one could hope for.  Enjoy Summer weather while it lasts. 9.1 FM WP-1020806

Sunday Plus June 30 2013, 0 Comments

I made the regular Farmer's Market ride, weather was awesome, warm but awesome,  That is what summer is all about.  Lots of people out on bikes, actual bike traffic at times. 6.30 FM-1020265The ride home was going well, the hills were enticing, and I had a little extra time. 6.30 FM-1020276July is going to be a crazy month.  There is a ton going on, between the Ramblers moving from production to paint, and then to new owners, family trips, and a long list of other projects.  I also have some friends starting up a brand, Upness, you can guess what it is about.  They are launching in July, and guess what, it was the tipping point for me to get out of the flatness and up into the hills. 6.30 FM-1020299It seemed like a great idea back on the coast with the sea breeze and all.  The Coastal breeze was not doing squat in the canyons today, and I was able to get a taste of the heat that has been going on inland.  With some sheltered areas from the breeze the temps were 10-15 degrees hotter than just around the corner.  The work was worth the reward though. 6.30 FM-1020317The last two fog free days have been pretty darn nice,  have we beat the June gloom for the year?

Sunday Standard May 19 2013, 0 Comments

Summer is here and it is back to being able to ride in seersucker and sandals.  Another successful Sunday haul of fresh food from the Farmer's Market. 5.19 FM WP-11307045.19 FM WP-1130714Hopefully this weather holds for a bit, I does not get much better than this.

Market Ride April 14 2013, 0 Comments

Spring is here and the farmer's markets are fantastic, it is a good thing the bike limits the amount I can bring home.  The down side of spring on the coast is the fog, 4.14 Market BL-1120580It has been hit of miss so far, but it really makes you appreciate the clear days we had earlier in the week.

Sunday Standard March 24 2013, 0 Comments

Settling back into the routine of being home, and today was the usual farmer's market ride.  The weather was sublime, spring has sprung with wild flowers in bloom, temps in the 60's and light breezes. 3.24 farmers market-1120122 3.24 farmers market-1120124I took a break to brew up a mug of coffee after loading the bags with fresh food 3.24 farmers market-1120131and then the ride home, with a shot long time readers have seen time and time again 3.24 farmers market-1120133Yes the weather here is this good almost all of the time, we are really lucky for that, and while travel is great, it makes me appreciate being home all the more.

Working the Hills December 12 2012, 0 Comments

While running the mid-week errands I decided to spice things up a bit by hitting the hills in Grant Park from the steep side.  Just to keep it sporting I had about 30 lbs of groceries in the bags. DCIM102GOPRO There are a couple of lead in hills, then the first real run up of 10% grade, with a left on to summit, a 150 yard stretch of 14% grade, DCIM102GOPRO At the time it seemed like such a good idea to get the legs pumping DCIM102GOPRO Starting to have my doubts, but forging ahead anyway DCIM102GOPRONot as bad as it looks once you are, but you still have to work for it. DCIM102GOPROAfter the really steep part there is a little break, and then an easy climb to get things back in check.  After all of that, the reward.... DCIM102GOPROA fantastic winter day, temps in the low 60's, light breeze and no rain yet, pretty close to perfect!  

Veggie Ride September 23 2012, 0 Comments

An absolutely perfect day to ride and pick up some vegetables!! I am not sure it could be any better, maybe some friends to share the ride with and time to keep on going up into the mountains?  Still, it does not get much better than this, getting in some miles and coming home with a week's worth of fresh food, riding your dream bike of your own design and having it do exactly what you hoped, hence the smile.

Mid Day Escape and Masu Logo February 22 2012, 0 Comments

I am not sure winter ever really happened this year.  I am sure we will pay the price in the coming dry months, but for now it is 68 degrees and gorgeous outside.  A perfect day to hit the farmer's market and take the long way home through the hills. I really should be taking rides through the hills more often, once a month is marginally (nice way to say not really) enough to stay in the level of fitness I would like.  Today the weather and new pedals did the trick, I got out there, and it was worth is. I have some art ideas in my head for the logo on the upcoming bike.  I still like the name Masu, and am trying to make sure the steelhead trout connection can be made.  Here is a sketch of what I am thinking, This would be on the top tube, drive side a little bit back from the head tube.  It wraps about a third of the way around the top tube.  The color would match the Ocean Air Cycles logo on the down tube with the body of the fish transparent so the bike color shines through.  Subtle but there. Let me know if you like it, could care less as long as the bike works, or think it is a horrible idea.  As always I value your input.

Sunday Standard November 13 2011, 0 Comments

Back to the regularly scheduled Sunday ride to the Farmer's Market.   Yes, it really was as nice as it looks.  The weather was perfect, the ride was longer than I planned, nad that made it better.  I look back and find it hard to remember a time when it was more fun to get the food for the week.   The food tastes better when you sweat a little to get it too.  

Grocery Time Trials September 01 2011, 0 Comments

I do not race anybody but myself, ever.  I love to ride, but time gets tight every now and then.  As much fan as a casual ramble can be, sometimes the challenge of 10 miles, two grocery stops and less than an hour and a half to get it done, with stop lights, signs and morning traffic as the sauce on top is just what you need to break the funk.  Things were still a bit bleery heading up the hill into the fog as I am fighting off the tail end of a cold. Crossing town to the Trader Joe's load up on some staples, and through the parking lot to the farmer's market.  Packing the saddle bag with Juice, frozen beef and veggies untill the bag was super stuffed.  The load maxed the limits of the bagman support for sure, and I need to make some time to push ahead on a better solution.  Checking the time I realised that I had blown over 20 minutes shopping.  Time to jam towards home, through the fields. Almost home I was still just under an hour, and slowed down for a surf check.  South swell filling in, but no time to watch the sets.  I am not sure where to fit it in, but I need to get back in the water soon. I made it home in just a few minutes over an hour, and even cruised through a few rows of the swap meet on the last mile home for good measure.  Fantastic ride all things considered.  I took the load upstairs and took a minute to blend up some fruit and veggies in the vitamix. Frosting on the whole thing was answering the phone 10 minutes after I walked in the door, still a little wound up from the ride, to a phone interview that I was not expecting for anther 4 hours or so.  I feel that it went well, probably better with the endorphin push and no time to over think my answers.  Hopefully I did not come off as a coffee spaz.  This could be the dream job, and an interesting path opening up for sure,  I am looking forward to chasing this trail out to the end.