Ocean Air Cycles

Commitment February 27 2012, 0 Comments

There is nothing like a monetary commitment, skin in the game, to keep you focused on the target.  Aside from the myriad  of bureaucratic and general business expenses there are the specific costs, engineering, prototypes, testing etc.  Each new cost is another step to the center of the ring.  Today I signed up for my first Expo, Philly Bike Expo October 27 & 28 to be exact.  The check is in the envelope and on the way, locked in, I need to get busy so I have something to show. My post office rides seem to always fall on stormy days.  Today is supposed to be a rain day according to the weather man, but it looks like a miss.  I am not sure there is going to be any rain this year, the hills never turned green and things are all brown and crispy before spring has even shown up.  It is going to be an interesting year in the coastal desert, where easy access to fresh water is often taken for granted. It was good to get outside for a break though, and a quick trip to roll past the ocean. As a side note, I am loving the new/old pedals.  I need to get a deeper set of half clips fabbed up, but outside of that, they are sublime for riding around town, even in Birkenstocks.