Ocean Air Cycles

Last Minute Changes June 07 2013, 0 Comments

I am getting ready for a quick overnight tour this weekend, and got an itch that I might as well try out a new / old headset that has been sitting on my bench for a while now.  Having bounced around the globe, and up and down the west coast, I had the green light from the previous owner that it was mine (thank you).  Combining that with the Paul Comp Funky Monkey sitting around for months now too, it was time...the starting point 6.7 HS wp-1and the inspiration for change.. 6.7 HS wp-2Having the proper tools for the job only makes things better. 6.7 HS wp-56.7 HS wp-4You may have noticed the faced head tube surface, and Yes the Ramblers will be like that in the box, it is the right way to do things.  Everything went together smooth as butter 6.7 HS wp-3Why change it all yo might be wondering?  After all it was working just fine, love the silky smooth King headset.  The NOS Stronglight headset has roller bearings that reputedly will have a beneficial effect on any shimmy that could occur with Low Trail bikes.  So far everything has been really good on mine as well as other Ramblers.  Shimmy has net been an issue unless pushing the limits of low tire pressure, loose headsets or floppy loads, all things you should be avoiding anyway.  Since I do get questions on the issue, it was time to try out a roller bearing headset on a Rambler for myself.  I have used them on other bikes, and honestly if things are all in balance, shimmy has not been an issue for me regardless of the headset type.  The second reason was to confirm the clearance of the Funky Monkey cable stop with the biggest headset I could find, not a problem at all, room to spare.  Having tried most cable stops currently available, this one is hands down the nicest. Now to get all the work for the day done so I can head up into the back country tomorrow afternoon with some friends.  Happy Friday, and get out there and ride this weekend!  

Tried and Liked - Paul Tall and Handsome Seatpost July 12 2012, 0 Comments

I have been using the Paul Tall and Handsome seatpost for a couple of months now.  It has done everything you would want from a seat post and a little more. The biggest differentiation is the setback, a full 26mm, but it gets better.  The two bolt vintage campy style upper clamps allow you to get yet another mm or two of setback.  For those who dream of getting the brooks back just a little further this could be the ticket. The two bolt set up is extremely secure Tilt adjustment is a cinch to manage by loosening one bolt, tightening the other.  Likewise, 1 turn of each bolt and you can slide the saddle forward and back, tighten both up evenly and your tilt is preserved. I have been happy with my Berthoud saddle for a couple of years now, but things got even better with it just that little bit further back.  My sit bones hit further ahead of the cantle plate (rear saddle support).  Hard to believe such a subtle difference could yield such big results. The one great irony is that I am using a 360mm post with about 50mm exposed.  I had to cut the post for the 51 Rambler so that it did not interfere with the bottle bosses.  For now I will live with it, but will likely cut mine short in the future, not that I am a weight weenie, but it does shave close to 100g. I can get these on a special order basis at the moment.  As Ramblers start to roll though I will be adding them to the regular stock.  Maybe Paul will do a run of Sort and Handsomes if I ask.