Ocean Air Cycles

Maker Mark March 15 2012, 0 Comments

This was one of those slow-moving long in the making sort of projects that came to a head all of a sudden.  There was a bit of web searching, then some asking around, with no good solution on how to get a quality Maker Stamp for a decent price from a contractor here in the US.  Then, in the last two weeks, I made the time to meet a fantastic local leather wholesaler, who directed me to Jeff at Grey Ghost Graphics.  Within a week and a half I went from concept to tool in my hand. Fantastic is the best word I can come up with, service, quality, speed of delivery, etc.  all exceeded my expectations.  Thank you Jeff. I now have a more professional way to mark the bags, wallets and other upcoming soft goods.  Making things with your hands is satisfying, other people wanting one of their own is rewarding, but completing the process with a brand takes it to the next level.