Ocean Air Cycles

Toodle or Ramble? December 30 2010, 0 Comments

This morning was definitely a toodle.  Rambles are the rides we go on for some distance without a fully structured plan, they can be what ever you want them to be, but they are usually longish.  This morning I was not feeling the ramble, but needed to get out of the house.  Time for the toodle, 30 min or so around the neighborhood to get some air, grab some pics in the perfect morning light, and spin the legs a bit before the next round of rain hits.  Started out with what was the beginning of my older 7  mile commute by bike here in town, those were the days.  Then the commute to LA, 1.75 hours each way, for a year and a half started, some things you do not ever miss. Passing over the 101, I made my way out onto the pier.  The original pier dates to 1872 and was used to offload and load steam ships before the roads out here were any good.  The thing has been annihilated by winter storms and rebuilt many times over the years.  Last year I made it out to the end when 18' swell was bashing through the boards, not long before the police came and chased me off.  Today the police were our for reasons similar to mine: At first I thought I might be out of luck for some reason and the pier was shut down.  Turns out they were taking advantage of the light and grabbing some pictures too. Heading back towards home along the point I stopped to take a look at the progress on the river mouth restoration, This used to be the parking lot and MUP between the ocean and the County fairgrounds, The plan is to restore it to a more natural state and help the river back to what it may have once been.  Pretty cool stuff, and it along with the sand coming down from the mountains will only help with the seasons surf.