Wednesday Coffee October 09 2013, 0 Comments

I managed to dodge the first real winter rain of the season this morning.  It my or may not start later today, but it sure looks like it, and there was rain on the horizon.  It was also the first real ride of the season where i needed to cover my knees, temps dipping into the 50's, yes I know the horrors of living in Southern California.  The extra bonus was leaving my filter cone at home, getting to improvise, and guess was all still way better than OK. 10.9 Coffee WP-1030122 10.9 Coffee WP-114065310.9 Coffee WP-1030129 10.9 Coffee WP-114065110.9 Coffee WP-114064510.9 Coffee WP-1030133 10.9 Coffee WP-1030164Get out and ride your bike, drink a little coffee, and play outside!