Break Time and Some Deals July 03 2013, 0 Comments

Once in a while everybody needs to shut down the doors for a bit, as in a few days to catch your breath.  This time we are taking a family vacation before things get crazy with the next round of Ramblers.  Nothing huge, but we will be signing out until Monday July 8. Of course the digital storefront is open for things like Bandannas, Pedals, Stoves, lights, etc.  Inventory is getting low on a few things, but if it is listed as there, then it is there and will ship on Monday. Rambler shipping has just been upgraded to FREE status until the next round ships later this month.  The frames are moving from fabrication to powder coating after the Holiday weekend.  I will be traveling up to Portland to handle some of the quality control myself.  This will also be an opportunity to cross paths with readers and customers, to possibly meet up and or see a Rambler in person as I pass through the SF bay area and Portland.  contact me if you would like to coordinate a time to meet. 7.3 Rambler Bch- These are exciting times here at OAC with years of work and dreams coming to a head.  This is going to be the turning point, the time is right, I can feel it.