Wednesday Morning Coffee Ride February 13 2013, 0 Comments

This is not about your average coffee ride where you are sitting around with you buddies sipping espresso at starbucks before you hit the road.  It is all about getting out there, making a bit of extra time in the morning to recapture a bite sized chunk of the outdoors that you have been missing. DCIM100GOPRO An extra 20-30 minutes at the most and you can pull it off.  We are all busy with the responsibilities of life and wish that we were camping more.  Regular multi day trips are out of the question for most of us.  A simple overnight with your friends keeps slipping as other things fill the calendar.  This is something you would likely be doing with your time at home anyway. 2.13 coffee ride-1110345 Try it once, commit to it every Wednesday, and get the inertia going.  Just like riding your bike to work and ditching the car once in a while was a game changer, this will get you just a little more of what you have been missing. 2.13 coffee ride-1110348 2.13 coffee ride-1110351 I know some of you are thinking we have it easy here in California with the weather?  Today was great, but still in the low 40's. 2.13 coffee ride-1110361In the spirit of transparency, I work from home, thus the commute could be a walk down stairs.  But doing things like this helps to keep me away from the keyboard at 6AM and really does make the whole day better.  There is a small but growing group of us getting this going and sharing pics on Facebook.  Where are you going to be brewing your morning fix next Wednesday?