Monday Group Ride February 04 2013, 0 Comments

More often than not I end up riding alone.  Over the weekend I had an invite form a friend at the MOB Shop up in Ojai for a Monday ride they do down to Canada Larga Rd.  It was enough to motivate me to get out of the house, but not to start the ride in Ojai and ride down, then up, and then back down to Ventura.  More of a time issue than a legs thing, but I was determined to get outside after last week's bike prep and packing bonanza.  I decided to ride up to Canada Larga hoping to cross paths with their group, and if that worked out, then keep on all the way to Ojai and head home from there. It was pretty close to perfect out for riding. DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPROCanada Larga Rd. is a little 4 mile out and back gem tucked between Ojai and Ventura.  A quick 7 miles up from my house, it is like popping into a time machine of what this area must have looked like 100 years ago.   For now it is mostly cows and a marginally paved County road, every couple of years there is a push by the land owners to put in some high $$$ houses, but the tax payers keep shooting down the proposals.  For now, it is a special treat, and hoping that it lasts.  We did end up crossing paths, and it all worked out pretty well. DCIM100GOPRO DCIM100GOPROThe rest of the ride was a comfortably social pace and a chance to catch up with and meet some new friends.  I will be riding with them again for sure. Heading home from Ojai, it was tempting to just keep heading north for a bit into the mountains, but my stomach was telling me it was time to get home for lunch. I took the semi scenic route home.  In Ojai "Share the Road" has a bit of a different meaning than most of us are used to. DCIM100GOPRO After making most of the push home I was able to cap off the ride by rolling the last few miles with my wife, an awesome surprise for a tired rider.  A quick lap around the point and then it was time to hit the kitchen. DCIM100GOPRO