Round 2 for the Web Store December 20 2012, 0 Comments

The kickstarter project has been history for a few weeks now.  While it did not fund I learned quite a bit through the process, one thing being that there is demand for the Ramblers, but not the door busting volume that I hoped for early on.  That said, the program is still creeping forward, and we are planning for another run early next year.  The web store is back up and functional with the Rambler pre-sales for this round.  Starting price is $1600 + sales tax and $50 shipping for the Frame, Fork and Paul Racer Brakes.  There is also a coupon deal for email subscribers.  This pricing is good through the end of the year, after that the price moves to $1650 + tax and shipping for 2013.  The goal is to get at least 10 confirmed orders by mid January so that we can place the order for projected late April delivery.  I am looking forward to getting more Ramblers between riders and the road.  Clicking on the picture will take you to the Rambler pre-sale page.

11.8 news letter top-1100717Thank you for you support and readership this year, have a merry Christmas, get out and ride.  We will be here through the end of the year, but family is moving to the front of the priority list, and posting will be a little less frequent until after the holidays.

Have Fun, play outside, and enjoy the time!