First Rain Day of the Season November 17 2012, 0 Comments

there have been a few drizzly sorts of days, but today was the first chance I had to get out in a good solid rain.  The Rambler was still all clean and shiny from the expo, pimped out with a new chain and all.  I needed to pick up some fixings for the first turkey and soon to be soup that is going through the kitchen this season as well.  Is there a better way to run some saturday morning errands in the rain than on your bike? The first stop was on the far side of town, through the farms and resulting mud, to the mushroom farm.  If you have a mushroom farm in your area, it is probably worth checking out.  I was able to score a pound of fresh crimini  shrooms for $2.50.  Heading back across town to the farmer's market the rain really started to come down. The fresh hard rain helped to clean the grit off of the bike from the agricultural diversion.  With the last stop in the bag, literally, it was time to head home and dry out. Having a bike purpose-built to run wide tires and fenders really helps with keeping the rain rides fun.  Also, this was my first chance to push the Paul Racers in the rain.  While not as powerful as in the dry, stopping from the hoods on hills was no sweat at all. Get out there and play, do not let the rain slow you down!