Decals and Colorway November 14 2012, 0 Comments

We are still in recovery mode from the SF Expo, it was a great time, and now we need to get back up to speed.  The day before we left for San Francisco the decals made it here, nothing like everything coming together at once.  Her is the slide show of the decals and colorways for the three primary combinations: [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="5" orderby="title"]   They are top mounted mylar printed by the last professional bicycle decal shop here in the US, at least as far as I could find, that could work in full color as well as variations for different types of application.  I am beyond happy with how they came out.  The bikes feel much more like the real deal.  Not that they ride any differently, but the branding definitely kicks it up a notch. You probably noticed the "FOUNDER" sticker on the left chain stay, these will only be on the first run of bikes in production as well as the round coming out of Kickstarter.  Which if you missed it, our Rambler project is live: We are getting tons of interest, likes etc. and while that is great, we need backers to make it happen.  We will take the support in any way you can give it, but without enough pledges to reach our goal, the project will not fund.  Thus, I am asking directly for your help, your pledges and to spread the word to everyone you know who rides a bike, has been thinking about riding, and wants to be able to get around on a true sport bike, that can still be comfortable and carry home the groceries.