Getting the Shot June 28 2012, 0 Comments

This one is for all of you out there who carry your cameras on the bike on EVERY ride.  Just like saddles and helmets, choice of camera gear and how to carry it can spark endless debate.  You have seen the bags I use, but may wonder how I am getting some of the shots you see here on the site. My Kit now consists of two cameras, GoPro and Panasonic GF1.  The one that is always with me is the GoPro.  Is small, light and so simple you can not over think it.  180deg field of view means you just point it an a direction and work with what you have.  I generally set it to capture a still picture every 2 seconds, set up the shot and take a series.  Weeding out the best shots during post processing at home only takes a few minutes.  I often shoot while in the saddle and moving.  To get the camera away from my hand I have worked through a series of short poles.  This helps to create an image that transmits the feeling of "being there, with me", not the usual GoPro point of view shot where you feel like the doer of the activity.  The latest poles are about to go into a period of refinement, but I am really happy with where they are at now.  The handle has a flat section that helps mentally index the way the camera is pointing without having to look at it.  The flat combined with a couple of inset magnets has also allowed me to turn in into a self supporting mono pod with the help of found steel: signs, fence posts, guard rails, electrical boxes etc.

I still have and use my Joby Gorilapod often.  The pole above weighs 1/3 of the gorillapod, has 90% of the usefulness for a camera as light as the GoPro, and therefor ends up in my frame bag on every ride.  The gorillapod holds up my other camera, Panasonic GF1, which while half the size of a traditional DSLR is still a tank compared to the GoPro.  Then there are the times that you forget the tripod, and just work with what you have. While not ideal, it did just fine.  I was able to capture the image currently serving as the header for r the site. Such are the joys of photocycycling, the merger of two passions, photography and cycling.  The fun only extends into making the gear that works and the gear work for you.  Have fun, play outside, and take lots of photos.