Much Needed Family Ride May 31 2012, 0 Comments

It has been a very long month of family virus sharing, launching the Rambler, munchikn turning 2 and moving into a new classroom, bike to work month/week and it goes on and on.  Last evening was a time to just take a break, ride the long way to dinner as a family and have some fun outside. I have been sharing pictures like this for almost two years now, and every time I look at them I realize how blessed I/we are as a family to have this life together, and the freedom to ride places like this every day.  I hope that the pictures help to inspire you to get out there and ride, with your family if you can, and get the most out of your home that you can. There is still plenty going on and a backlog to dig out from, but taking time to smell the roses every now and then helps keep the machine running.