Rambler Updates May 17 2012, 0 Comments

I am getting very close to opening the web store for deposits, probably tonight or tomorrow morning.  Everything; shirts, posters, deposits, etc., under the current shop tab will be moving over to the storefront at that time. You may have noticed the email list sign up box to the right side of the page, I will be using the email list to send out newsletters and such consolidating the Rambler news stuff you will see here on the blog.  As an added bonus there will be special promotions, coupon codes etc for those on the list as things move along.  Please sign up if you are interested, it helps me immensely to consolidate the requests I get for email updates. The initial price for the Rambler frame, fork and Paul Racer brake will be $1500.  When the official storefront is open I will be taking $800 deposits.  Delivery is projected for 90 days after I am able to get a minimum of 30 orders.  I will add here that if we can reach this goal quickly, or better yet exceed it, that will not only make my day, but my contractor team will likely be motivated to beat this goal.  Remember the email thing I told you about a few lines up?  There will be a couple of ways to sweeten the deal included in newsletter number one, slated for delivery by Friday afternoon. Until then, get out and ride