Radio Silence Ending January 31 2012, 0 Comments

It has been a long 10 days or so in the household.  One of the widely known fringe benefits of childcare, the germs, hit hard.  We have been adapting to the low level persisting cold bug over the last couple of months, but this one wiped us all out.  Fevers all around, like  dominoes we all had are turn, I even got my chance twice.  We are all on the upswing now and finally am catching up on last week, getting this week going and working in a few surprise developments.  I wrapped up the day with a trip to the post office, Then it was off to get the munchikin, who brought the party home and was first to feel better. We headed off to meet mommy at the beach before heading home. Really a fantastic way to cap off the day.  We are all looking forward to a more productive week. Regular posting and bike news to follow.