Ponies Make Everything Better July 21 2011, 0 Comments

Today was a slow starting day for the Co-pilot, sleep has been rough lately with the teeth in the rear starting to make their appearance.  After yesterday's long ride I thought we could go out on the river trail for a bit and see how long things hold up.  Once again the fog was pretty thick. Things were going well at mile 6, but the fog was making everything damp.  I decided to pass on the playground and detour out along Canada Larga Rd.  I was thinking that some ponies and cows might make the morning a little more interesting. It helped wake her up a bit, but like I sad we were slow starting.... after a couple hundred feet of altitude gain on the back roads the motor was feeling the slow start too, and decided it was time to point things back down hill. The cows and bunnies were just OK, but scarring up a flock of birds was almost like a cup of coffee, And then we were back to the ponies!!!! Pure stoke!  just enough to keep her from falling asleep on the way home.  All in all we squeezed in about 14 miles in an hour an 15 minutes, not too bad for a loaded down xtracycle.