Biggest Ride Ever July 20 2011, 0 Comments

For my co-pilot that is.  No opie to babysit today, I needed to go to the market, so it was time to expand the range a bit.  First stop was the swap meet.  The fog was back in full force this morning.  From there along the coast to the other side of town.  Plenty of Co-pilot snacks make for a better trip. Half way to the farmer's market we took a break to watch a giant date palm getting pulled like a weed Then off to get some fruit, veggies and meat. Even with plenty of cheesy crackers and fruit samples, energy levels were fading fast as we headed for home Overall he trip went great.  We pushed both time and distance further than we had before.  The dividends were a bike full of food, some tired legs and a serious nap for Co-pilot while I am catching up on things. Have fun, and Play outside!!!