Coastal Mixed Loop with Company March 05 2011, 0 Comments

Today I had the good fortune of some company for a ride out and back along the coast.  Our friends Courtney and Michael came out, he and I rode the coast, and met up with the ladies in Carpinteria for lunch before heading home. The weather was perfect, shorts and t-shirts perfect.  A little time on the road, a stop in La Conchita for some coconut water, and then some dirt on the coastal cliffs.  Theis stretch between the cliffs and the railroad tracks makes the time on the 101 shoulder worth it.  With the recent rains everything was still in great shape and the trails were hard packed.  The trails are only a couple of miles along the railroad tracks with a good amount of single track woven into the route to keep it fun.  It was Mike's first foray into skinny tires on dirt, and I think we may have a convert.  A quick run through Rincon Cycles with some tandem questions as well as a look through a shop that actually sells touring gear, then lunch with the wives.  Back on the bikes through the trails. After the trails there is a stretch where you are squished in on beat up black top between the ocean and the freeway.  I know the mountains cause most of it, but will never cease to be amazed how California manages to squeeze many of its highways and railroads right up against the ocean. Back to a bit a sanity on the side roads home.  Great day, great company and looking forward to the next ride