Grab On Brake Lever Grips - Out of the Package November 10 2010, 0 Comments

While at the post screening ride for the Ride the Divide one of the guys there had these curious grip / pad things on his drop bar brake levers. I was instantly transported back over a decade and a half to Mr. 0.7 and Ms. 0.5 who had faithfully served 8 years of engineering school and reams of notes and derivations. Mr. 0.7 and Ms. 0.5 A bit of inquiry and it turned out that brake lever version was purpose-built by Grab On and lot a reallocated tool grip or some other find from the McMaster Carr catalog.  Once home it was straight to the computer to see if these were still in production, and or obtainable.  As usual google and the web are our friends.  I was able to turn up a couple of sets in blue.  Blue turned out to also be half the price of black, while preserving the colorway of the roadeo.   A few days later they were in my hands. Grab On Brake Lever Grips Grab On Brake Lever Grips Installation was as easy as it looks and reads on the packs.  After a quick alcohol wipe, I used a dab of tube repair glue in each as it was the closest to my hand when standing near the bike.  After the overnight cure they appear to be securely in place. It has been almost a week now with them on the bike.  I like them so far, a little cushion,  a little grip and warmer than a cold lever on a 40 something deg morning.  I know these likely seem a bit over the top, but I do not care.  The next big test will be the upcoming Santiago Peak Ride Which promises to be an epic of underbiking adventure.