Receiving Your Docena Bag February 18 2015, 0 Comments

With the latest round of Docena Demi Porteur bags starting to ship we decided to put together a video to help head off any questions that might arise.  The bag folds down flat for shipping and you will need to work through some basic steps to get it into the final shape you are familiar seeing in our social media feeds.  The video is just under 7 minutes, and covers every aspect of what you will see and be getting.  At no point is this hard, but there are some steps that we have gotten questions on in the past.  Hopefully this removes any initial questions you might have with your new bag, the one you have had for a while or the one you hope to get this year.

For mounting on the bike you will still need a small front rack to support the bottom.  We sell and recommend the Nitto Mark’s rack for our Ramblers and many other bikes.  The bag will work with most “Rando” style front racks.  You will also need some sort of upper support connecting the bag to the handlebars.  Traditionally this is called a Decaleur.  There are off the shelf versions made by Berthoud, VO, Nitto and Compass that all can work well with the Docena.  I have been using a prototype system made with pannier mounting hardware for well over a year now.  This is one of the many things we hope to get to market this year.

Thank you to everybody who had bought the bags so far and to Swift Industries for collaboratign to make my dream bag real.

Just for fun…the video was shot be me in the new work space we are moving into, one take, no scrips, the only edit was cropping the ends and attempted color correction.  I am pretty happy with it, and think my love and involvement with the product shows.  I could go on for way over 7 minutes, but had to stop for your sake.

I have a Docena with me on every ride.