Orange Soda Demo Build November 02 2014, 0 Comments

This past Saturday we had a tent set up to shoe the Ramblers at a local cross race.  That combined with a couple of other factors had me under tight deadlines to get a new 61 cm Orange Soda Rambler built up for the demo fleet.

11.2 OS WP-1Friday night ran long, like 3 AM long with a 5:30 wake up call.  I was able to have the bike built and rolling, most of the details in place too.  I am really happy with how this one turned out.  It is the replacement for the 63 US Blue that I tore down and shipped to Australia last month.  Most of the components came from that build.  I will probably be rebuilding a bit, refining the cable runs, front rack gets here this week, fenders and tail light.  Even with all that left to do, it is a perfectly functional Rambler.  It actually is much lighter without all that other stuff, and still has me wishing I had ridden to farmers market today to stuff the panniers.

This build is also a good study in color.  You all probably know by now that we have a lot of fun around here with the colored details.  I have been studying up on color theory, much more planning of the builds, and less random combinations.  This build was intended to be an triadic analog, with the Orange as the driving color and the red and tan (tire sidewalls) framing that out.  There was a last minute switch to the green headset, that gives you an idea what a difference contrast can make as compared to analog.  Tiger Color has a really good page explaining much of the color theory stuff we should have learned back in grade school.  Now on to the pictures:

11.2 OS WP-2 11.2 OS WP-3 11.2 OS WP-4 11.2 OS WP-5 11.2 OS WP-6 11.2 OS WP-7 11.2 OS WP-8 11.2 OS WP-9 11.2 OS WP-10 11.2 OS WP-11 11.2 OS WP-12Bikes like this end up as riders for us, and demo rides for customers.  Some things end up locked in with my preferences, Barcons begin one of them.  I may swap the headset for a red one, may leave the green, still thinking that one through.