Ocean Air Cycles

Wednesday Coffee Outside August 14 2013, 0 Comments

Keeping things on track I made it up to Grant Park this morning to climb some hills, brew up a mug and have some breakfast.  Bonus was getting to meet Jose out on his morning walk.  The fair is gone but the Summer fog is still holding tight to the coast. 8.14 coffee wp-1020665 8.14 coffee wp-1020669 8.14 coffee wp-11403178.14 coffee wp-11403248.14 coffee wp-1020674 8.14 coffee wp-1140328New to the morning kit is the Porlex coffee grinder, quality of the brew just stepped up a bit.  Thanks to the family and friends for making such a cool gift happen.

Wednesday Coffee August 07 2013, 0 Comments

Back home for a bit, and almost back on schedule, if that ever really happens.  Made it out  this morning for coffee outside.  Regularity and commitment keep things on track, for the most part.  For anybody aspiring to get out camping more, breaking down things into bite sized pieces can get you the taste of what you have been missing.  Brewing up a cup of coffee with you camp stove is dead simple, Fun and helps get the outdoor fix. 8.7 coffee WP-1020596 8.7 coffee WP-1140268 8.7 coffee WP-1140273 8.7 coffee WP-1140278 8.7 coffee WP-11402858.7 coffee WP-10206028.7 coffee WP-1020615Even though it was fogged in, the weather is warm, lots of fun to get out for 45 minutes or so, make some pictures, drink some coffee, check the surf and get in a little hill action on the Rambler.

Morning Coffee Ride July 24 2013, 0 Comments

Another quick escape to brew up the first cup of the day.  Starting in the warm glow of the sodium lights, Summer fog is back, but still better to be outside for a bit. 7.24 coffee WP-1020480 7.24 coffee WP-1020486 7.24 coffee WP-1020491 7.24 coffee WP-1140248 7.24 coffee WP-1140253Where did you brew up your first cup of the day?

A good Morning to Ride June 26 2013, 0 Comments

Regularly scheduled coffee ride today, pretty nice, with the fog holding just offshore. 6.26 Coffee FB-6.26 Coffee FB--46.26 Coffee FB--26.26 Coffee FB--56.26 Coffee FB--36.26 Coffee FB--76.26 Coffee FB--66.26 Coffee FB--8

Wednesday Coffee on the Beach June 12 2013, 0 Comments

Made it out this morning on m own for the Wednesday ritual.  Pretty gloomy out, but warm, light breeze and super low tide fun. 6.12 Coffee -4It was still pretty close to dark when I set up at the edge of the rocks and sand.  At first I noticed just a few sand fleas, then a few more and then there were swarms of them, more than I have ever seen burrowing out of the sand. 6.12 Coffee -3For me, they are more of an annoyance and something to avoid getting in the mug.  In some parts of the world they will bite like crazy and leave you with a rash.  I am guessing that I am either lucky or the ones we get here are just not that bad.  Still, it was either move camp or walk around a bit.  I chose the latter since, as we all know, a watched pot never boils. 6.12 Coffee -1 6.12 Coffee -106.12 Coffee -6 6.12 Coffee -7As the tide was dropping, the limpets or bigger sand fleas, started their migration to the edge of the surf zone.  This is when I noticed something completely new after a lifetime spent on the beach. 6.12 Coffee 2-1 The swarming sand fleas were ganging op on the limpets and taking them down.  These things are all so small I was wishing for my macro lenses.  But here is a gang of them on the back-end of a limpet trapped on its back. 6.12 Coffee -14Getting back to the task at hand, the water had boiled, coffee grounds were stirred in, and is was time for a couple of quick taps on the pot to get them settled. 6.12 Coffee -12Another successful morning ride.  I missed having company this week, but end up taking more pictures when I am alone.  As for the war of the Limpets and Fleas, that is something I will never forget. 6.12 Coffee -11

Coffee Ride June 05 2013, 0 Comments

With growing interest in the Wednesday morning coffee outside I am starting to get more friends going along for the ride.  Having friends there definitely adds to the fun, but cuts down on the number of photos.  We all headed south along the coast to Channel Islands Harbor so Aaron could be closest to his job.  Mike grabbed a good shot of us on the Ramblers.

6.5 coffee mike WP-

Setting up on the north side of the harbor offered plenty of flat spots for the stoves. Scenery was great, sun hitting the islands out beyond the fog, boats heading out, sea lions and great company.  This is a spot that will be added to the routine for sure. 6.5 coffee WP2- 6.5 coffee WP3-Really a great way to start the day, done by 7:30. What did you do on your way into work?

Coffee Time May 22 2013, 0 Comments

Things were moving a bit slow and discoordinated this morning.  I am not really sure how people do it in the places of perpetual fog, but with multiple days of clear mornings, today's overcast caused a minor malfunction of the internal alarm clock.  This is where having a buddy asking if you left yet, 45 minutes ago, helps to get you going.  The tide was high so it was off to find a bench. 5.22 Coffee WP-Getting started I had decided to revert to cowboy coffee today 5.22 Coffee WP--2Doing my best to patiently wait for the morning's jump start 5.22 Coffee WP--3Then Mike showed up, built his wood fire, and in the distraction I had a boil over, and a really slow filter trying to recover the brew 5.22 Coffee WP--4In the end it all worked out, the coffee did what it should, had some fun hanging out, and a pretty great way to start the day. From time to time I get asked about Brooks Select saddles and how they wear in.  Mike has been loving his for over a year now, as well as the bike.  There is some near perfect beausage going on there, signs of a bike with a good life. 5.22 Coffee WP-1130814

Wednesday Coffee May 16 2013, 0 Comments

Yesterday morning's ride went off well.  I used my Caldera Keg with an Esbit tab in the Gram Cracker as my fuel bottle was low, and I had the fuel tap out of the pack for shooting pictures earlier in the week.  One tablet was perfect for bringing 25oz of water to a rolling boil in a light breeze. 5.15 Coffee WP-5.15 Coffee WP--25.15 Coffee WP--35.15 Coffee WP--45.15 Coffee WP--5Mission accomplished, 30 minutes getting the morning coffee and outdoors fix, and yes it is a heck of a lot of FUN.

Wednesday Coffee May 08 2013, 0 Comments

The night-cap version, still digging out today, and that is a good thing 5.8 Coffee WP-1130184made the time this morning as usual to take 30 minutes of personal time, brew some coffee, make some photos and cross paths with friends.  This time mike was out running with Red, but we made rough plans for a ride next week and possibly an overnighter in a month. Whether it is brewing coffee on the ride, just riding, a surf a walk what ever make the time to get outside, it is amazing how much better your day will be for it.

Stoves and General Safety May 03 2013, 0 Comments

This morning I went for a ride to make some sunrise pictures of the Springs Fire that is burning about 20 miles from our side of town.  With wildfire season starting early this year it had me thinking about the fact that I am encouraging people to get outside and use camping stoves.  This is a catch 22.  The stoves, either the ones I am using or any stove for that matter, bear a certain amount of rink in their use.  Just like the stove at home they can burn you or set stuff on fire.  In some regards that is the point of using them.  The thing is that if you are going to use one outside, you MUST be knowledgeable in how to use it safely.  You may notice that even when I am up in the hills I find an area of wide open dirt, NOT all surrounded by dry brush 2 feet from the stove.  Most of the time I prefer to set up down on the beach sand or a flat rock at the beach.  Should something go wrong there is no shortage of water to throw on it. One point of the coffee rides is to give you a reason to get the knowledge and skills required to use the stove safely, making longer trips more approachable.  If you have never used one before, practice at home with no wind and a fire extinguisher close by.  Once that seems easy, move on to more exciting venues, but safety first, park benches surrounded by concrete or dirt make good sense.  Always be prepared to put out a fire, have backup water etc. That said here are some pictures of todays ride: 5.5 Fire Coffee WP- 5.5 Fire Coffee WP--2 5.5 Fire Coffee WP--3 5.5 Fire Coffee WP--4 5.5 Fire Coffee WP--6 5.5 Fire Coffee WP--7It was in incredibly beautiful day to head out and shoot some photos, brew up a cup etc.  When you are out there, and you should be, think about where you choose to heat up your water, your skill set, and always be mindful during the entire process.  As with everything we do in life there is inherent risk, and risk often bares rewards.  Twenty miles from me some people are having a very long day/weekend. As an aside about being prepared this fire season, when I worked construction most of the guys had a fire extinguisher in their truck, and had all used it at some point, usually to help someone else.  Most of my readers are on the west coast where wild fires are a real threat.  It does not make sense to always keep an extinguisher on the bike, but know who to call in an emergency.  You never know when you might be a first responder.