Ocean Air Cycles

Ventura River Ramble January 26 2011, 0 Comments

It was unseasonably warm again today with temps in the 55-60 degree range, not that I am complaining.  The wind also calmed down a bit and rolling out of the garage I decided to head up the Ventura River Trail and shoot some pics.  The light was fantastic this morning. I made it out to Santa Anna Road in time to catch the sun rise hitting the mountains, But played around too much with the cameras and gear to cover the distance I had hoped for.  I had picked up some new batteries for my wireless camera trigger the other day, and the improvement in range and performance is incredible.  More lonely-boy self portraits to follow soon.  Heading home: In time to play a bit with the family before getting back to work.

99% R.H. and Climbing December 21 2010, 0 Comments

  Both inside and outside the jacket.

Ramble in the Rain December 18 2010, 0 Comments

Fenders still doing their job, I really do enjoy the rain, but gear does make a difference.  Collecting thoughts still on how things either work or fail.

Time Change Hooray!!! November 07 2010, 0 Comments

Coming Coming and going Going I love living here!!

Twilight Tour de Pomegranate October 26 2010, 0 Comments

Some of you may remember my love of riding for wild or semi wild foods from my Walnut Ride.  Time to enjoy the dry weather and the morning chill, and ride for the pomegranates I had seen a few weeks ago.  No laws were broken and the trees are on public easement.  Living in an area surrounded by agriculture it would be all to easy to just grab fruit from the end row of the farms and orchards, but that would kind of defeat the point, and I am pretty sure it is stealing.  These particular trees are on the fence line of land grabbed by the water district when they built the Casitas damn.  Many ranchers and homeowners lost land to eminent domain with this one, and there are quite a bit of interesting things tucked into the corners of this area without having to jump the fences lined with "No Trespassing" signs.  This morning it was a truncated version of a favorite loop to get the quarry and make it home in time for baby duty.  Having fresh fruit keeps you out of trouble when you are a little late.  I am looking forward to daylight savings time coming to an end, a little more morning light for a bit.